Last week, I penned a newsletter detailing the life and tragic passing of Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent. You can read that newsletter here, if you missed it.
SCPO Kent’s story hit me the same as all the other stories of my lost bothers and sisters in arms (which is to say I was saddened to hear it). I happened to feature the Senior Chief’s story in my newsletter last week because I’d heard about her death, and because she reminded me so much of the heroes I’m wiring about in my current series.
Last post was the prequel. . .and this post is Book One. 😊
Hidden Nemesis is Book One in my series The Separatist Wars. Hidden Nemesis follows Air & Space Command Captain Shane Mallory, the main character of the prequel short story Outpost Delta-Three (if you haven’t read it, go to the “Free Books” section of my website and download it—it’s pretty good 😊)
Welp, looks like it’s time for an obligatory cover reveal!
So soon? Yeah. Seems like I just revealed a new cover only a few months ago.
Anyway, this time it’s for the prequel novella to my brand-new, military science fiction series. I’m calling this series The Separatist Wars, and as you may have already guessed from the cover image above, the title of the prequel is Enemy Lines.
Welcome back all.
Looks like it’s short story time again.
Before you get too excited for a second installment of Captain Van Zandt, I’ll be straight up with you: I’ve got some stuff in mind, but she’s not quite yet ready for her second act.
In my April 9th newsletter (Wait-you do subscribe to my newsletter, right? If you don’t, you can do so by clicking on the handy link to the right), I mentioned that one of the animated shorts featured as part of the Netflix show Love Death + Robots shared some similarities with an unpublished short story I wrote.
Ok. Here it is.
The second ever Obligatory New Release Post!
Vindication, the third book in my Clockwerk Thriller series, is available right now on Amazon.
West Virginia is beautiful country. Lush, green forests. Bare rock faces-the bones of the earth, grey as slate and laid bare. Smoky mountains. Blood red soil. It’s gorgeous.
Here’s an Interview I did with my very good friend, Mr. Stephen R. Sanders. Steve and I talked a little bit about my series, as well as some of the themes behind it.
Ok. Here it is.
The Obligatory New Release Post!
I know this is super late, but honestly I communicate with most of y’all through my newsletter or Facebook anyway. And if you’re on either of those, you already knew about this a while back!
Welp, it's been a while since I posted. You’ll have to forgive me, though. I’ve been busy.
If you hadn’t yet heard, my debut novel Stalemate: Clockwerk Thriller Book 1 launched a few weeks ago. As of this writing, it was still hanging around in or near the top 100 listing for it's genre. And at this stage of the game (i.e me being a brand spankin’ new author, given the fact that no one’s ever heard of me, and having only a single published work available out there), I'm pleased with the book’s progress. But of course I'm always trying to up the numbers. :)
I’m finally able to share some really great news with y’all. . .a few weeks ago, I sold my first book Stalemate: A Clockwerk Thriller to Cobble Publishing! And that’s not all-the good folk at Cobble also purchased two as-yet untitled sequels to Stalemate!
So the Christmas ‘rush’ is now over. As I write this, I’m wrapping up another great holiday spent with my family. I’ve always loved this time of year-the cheer, the spirit of giving, the food (!), the intangible, indescribable, spirit-of-Christmas-infused atmosphere. People just seem to be better, somehow, at Christmas.
So we’re a about a week past Thanksgiving now. . . ours was great, and I hope yours was, too. Man-it’s hard to believe we’re already sliding into the holidays. Seems like they sneak up quicker and quicker every year, and honesty I’m just not sure where that time goes
Hey y’all –
Just got my short story published over at drunkenpenwriting.com. Very exciting stuff!
Now if this is the first piece of work of mine you’re reading, then I should warn you about a couple of things. #1 is that this story is PG-13 (maybe leaning toward ‘R’). Most of my work is,
Hello friends! And welcome to my website/blog.
As you may or may not know, Stalemate: A Clockwerk Thriller is set to go to print here pretty soon. This is my latest (read: very first!) published novel, and I’m pretty damned excited to say the least. Stalemate is the culmination of several years of work and a lifelong dream; a dream